

Colloque international "Motivations and arguments to act for biodiversity : Alternative ways to inspire innovative policy making" à Bruxelles les 10 et 11 juin 2015.

Biodiversity in Europe continues to decline. Decades of policy making, business involvement and citizen action have not yet been able to turn that general tide. Great efforts have been made recently to clarify the economic importance of nature to society, for instance through the valuation of ecosystem services. This approach creates a new awareness, but also new risks, and has apparently not done much yet to energize society towards real change. What are arguments for biodiversity that really appeal ? What moves people into committed action for nature ? What could really work to motivate society to take action for nature ?

Based on four years of large-scale research by two European projects, this conference aims to break new ground. It will involve a wide audience in high-level keynotes, science-policy interface sessions, stakeholder meetings and panels discussing specific themes.

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